Top Focus Supplement – Addtabz evaluation

That’s about the best way I have found to describe this product… a friend mentioned I seemed more perky and happy than usual, and have been in that mood a lot more lately, when I told him I had been taking these pills from gentech. He seemed concerned at first, like it was some kind of drug that I was addicted to or relying on to be happy (I am A LOT more energetic and bubbly on these!) and when he asked what exactly the heck they were, that’s how I described it. You know those times when you are completely lost in something? When everything else goes over your head and you are just dialed in to whatever you are doing? People talk to you and are blown away that you can’t hear them because you are just too intensely focused and concentrated on your action? That’s what addtabz gives me very often. I get lost in my business, my hobbies and reading. I am completely zoned in and I freaking love it despite the fact my girlfriend and others probably hate it lmao.I don’t know why it works really good for me compared to another person I know that tried it and didn’t have as great results or the same zoning in feelings, but I am more than happy with this stuff! I heard that one of the main ingredients DMAA is banned or getting banned and so this product will probably only be around for a short while and that really freaking sucks. I just came online to research why it might be getting banned (seems like some idiots just took too much of the potent main ingredient and had health complications) and now I’m thinking of buying a whole bunch of bottles before it inevitably gets removed from the market.

This is a great product for some people and maybe not the greatest for others, not sure what affects me differently versus my friend but hopefully you’re a strong responder if you read this addtabz review and buy some yourself while you still can!

Reviewed by Marcelo Gustav on
On Feb 6.
Summary: Gives you Tunnel Vision focus
Rating: 4.75 / 5.0

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