My Opinion On Addtabz from Gentech Pharmaceutical

Addtabz opinion I buy a great deal of herbs, supplements, pills and products that will help me with my fitness, work, education or goals. I rarely leave a review for a product but every now and then I feel obligated to at least try and spread the good word, particularly on a lesser known over the counter supplement. I had read several positive addtabz reviews from users online before I decided to buy a couple bottles, and I am glad those people took the time to write their own review as well…


I have tried several similar products and the first thing I noticed that stood out with this one is that it lasted for quite a long time in comparison to several others (AdderRX, Addieup, Profiderall) I would say the majority of these products seem to wear off in a good 2-3 hours after your last dosage and slowly taper with some effects thereafter. Addtabs however seemed to stay in full effect for 4-5 hours and this was great as I liked to split two dosages a day and never 3 because the 3rd would keep me up at night (sleeplessness and insomnia when I would take 3x a day was the only negative side effect I experienced, maybe an upset stomach the first time too)

Compared to the others it also kept its own in its ability to make you and keep you focused and on task. When you take a good supplement like this you just zone into whatever you’re doing that extra little bit that makes all the difference. There is less frustration and stress as you pound away at your craft and then all of a sudden you look at the clock and you have been working for a good solid amount of time. Perfect for writers, students, entrepreneurs, computer and desk workers for sure.

This pill is not cheap, but I found that you really do get what you pay for if you purchase addtabz… Even a couple days and hours of extra productivity and happiness in doing your work is worth the couple dollars a day you might spend on this product… and people are spending twice as much on Starbucks a day hahahaha.

Tried a lot of things, really liked addtabz
Rating: 4.3 out of 5
Visitor: Dan Crampsy on
March 19 2013

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